2022. 03. 31
岡村柾紀. 2022. イテレーティブデザインを用いたロービジョン者の買い物支援方法の検討. 筑波大学 学士(図書館情報学)学位論文. https://klis.tsukuba.ac.jp/thesis_2021.html
Publication ThesisNew
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Objective Evaluation of Gaze Location Patterns Using Eye Tracking During Cystoscopy and Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Lesion Detection
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EMSJUMP: Electrical Muscle Stimulation as a Wearable Training Tool for Take-off Phase of Ski Jumping
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Distance-Adaptive Unsupervised CNN Model for ComputerGenerated Holography
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Floating on the Boundary: Perceptions of Reality in a Half-Digital, Half-Physical Bunny
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