Ooi Chun Wei




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図書館情報メディア研究科 図書館情報メディア専攻1年

University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies
Master's Program in Library, Information and Media Studies

B.A in Computer Science
Apr 2015 to Mar 2017
Kochi University
School of Science
Faculty of Applied Science
2017年 高知大学理学部応用理学卒



Nvidia CUDA coder

Parallel computing/ HPC , Electroholography , E-tech

Siggraph SVProduction team

Ooi Chun Wei. 2019. Optimization of Computer generated holography rendering and optical design for a compact and large eyebox Augmented Reality glass. Thesis (Master of Science in Informatics), University of Tsukuba. http://hdl.handle.net/2241/00159804

Natsumi Kato, Hiroyuki Osone, Kotaro Oomori, Chun Wei Ooi, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2019. GANs-based Clothes Design- Pattern Maker Is All You Need to Design Clothing. In Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference (AH ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 21, 7 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3311823.3311863

Chun Wei Ooi, Naoya Muramatsu, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2018. Eholo glass: Electroholography glass. A lensless approach to holographic augmented reality near-eye display. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Briefs (SA ’18 Technical Briefs ), December 4–7, 2018, Tokyo, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3283254.3283288

Naoya Muramatsu, Chun Wei Ooi, Yuta Itoh, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2017. DeepHolo: recognizing 3D objects using a binary-weighted computer-generated hologram. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters (SA ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 29, 2 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3145690.3145725

Naoya Muramatsu, Kazuki Ohshima, Ryota Kawamura, Ooi Chun Wei, Yuta Sato, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2017. Sonoliards: Rendering Audible Sound Spots by Reflecting the Ultrasound Beams. In Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 57-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3131785.3131807

落合陽一らのDeepWearプロジェクト最新版、機械学習の生成画像の質はパタンナーにあまり影響せず , https://ftn.zozo.com/n/n8e26d856c7bf , ZOZO FashionTechNews ,  2019.04.17

筑波大学、電子ホログラムによって仮想物体の奥行き感を再現する、アイボックスの大きいARニアアイディスプレイ技術「Eholo glass」発表, https://shiropen.com/seamless/eholo-glass,Seamless, 2018-12-14.