DNG in SIGGRAPH 2023 / 米ロサンゼルスにて開催されるSIGGRAPH 2023 にて デモ / ポスター発表を行います
2023. 08. 01
We will present our work at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angels ! See you in Los Angels !
デジタルネイチャー研究室は,アメリカのロサンゼルスにて開催されるSIGGRAPH 2023にてデモ/ポスター発表を行います。
Official Web: https://s2023.siggraph.org/
Full Program: https://s2023.siggraph.org/full-program/
会 期:2023/08/06〜2023/08/10
★★Congratulations to Kensuke Katori for his “Crossed Half-Silvered Mirror Array” project!★★
Kensuke Katori, whose project “Crossed half-silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array” won st place in the Undergraduate category of the SIGGRAPH2023 Student Research Competition!!!
[Labs] Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem
The proliferation of smartphones has made it easy for anyone to take digital photographs, and the recent popularization of text-to-image models has made it easy for anyone to create images. As photography has been a hobby for over 80 years, the transition from film to digital cameras has led to significant changes in photography techniques. By combining digital technology with the tactile experience of handmade processes, we can rediscover the joy of creating with our own hands and the emotional connection that comes from physically interacting with our work. Previously, we proposed a new printing framework that integrated computer processing with full-color cyanotype printing. In this work, we demonstrate the expansion of the range of aesthetic expressions with computer processing for tone adjustment with several alternative processes such as salt print, platinum print, and cyanotype. And at the Hands-On Class, we provide an opportunity to experience our developed printing process with cyanotype, particularly suited for beginners. The use of new media developed after the digital age and the integration of computer processing in photo printing may be a way to create a new photographic life with the joy of materializing scenery.
Project page: Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem
Publication: now
Authors : Chinatsu Ozawa, Kenta Yamamoto, Kazuya Izumi, Yoichi Ochiai
[Labs]Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI
In this case study, we explore the possibilities between Generative AI and tactile graphics for inclusivity in computer graphics communities. The use of Generative AI in the design of tactile graphics has made it possible to support the processes used by publishers and tactile graphics designers. In addition, the idea of printing tactile graphics on transparent sheets with a 3D printer through digital fabrication technology allows the creation of inclusive tactile picture books that can be read and enjoyed together by sighted and visually impaired people in a single picture book.
Publication: Publication Page
Authors : Kengo Tanaka, Ayaka Tsutsui, Tatsuki Fushimi, Yoichi Ochiai
[Poster] ExudedVestibule: Enhancing Mid-air Haptics through Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
In virtual reality (VR) haptic technologies, mid-air haptics have the unique ability to provide tactile feedback across multiple body parts without direct contact. However, the force is relatively weak. Recent methods to enhance this force have required device attachment to each target body part, limiting the technology’s potential. In our project, we propose a novel solution that combines proprioceptive feedback induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), with mid-air haptics to create an illusion of enhanced force. User studies demonstrated significant improvements in multiple body parts, without affecting the magnitude of physical body sway, a common side effect of GVS. This breakthrough holds promising potential for enhancing VR experiences, particularly in applications of air vortex ring haptics.
Project page: ExudedVestibule: Enhancing Mid-air Haptics through Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
Publication: Publication Page
Authors : Shieru Suzuki*, Kazuma Aoyama**, Ryosei Kojima*, Kazuya Izumi*, Tatsuki Fushimi*, Yoichi Ochiai*
*Digital Nature Group, University of Tsukuba
**Faculty of Informatics, Gunma University
[Poster] Crossed half-silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array
Crossed mirror arrays (CMAs) have recently been employed in simple retinal projection augmented reality (AR) devices owing to their wide field of view and nonfocal nature. However, they remain inadequate for AR devices for everyday use owing to the limited visibility of the physical environment. This study aims to enhance the transmittance of the CMA by fabricating it with half-silvered acrylic mirrors. Further, we evaluated the transmittance and quality of the retinal display. The proposed CMA successfully achieved sufficient retinal projection and higher see-through capability, making it more suitable for use in AR devices than conventional CMAs.
Project page: Crossed half-silvered Mirror Array
Publication: Publication Page
Authors: Kensuke Katori, Kenta Yamamoto, Ippei Suzuki, Tatsuki Fushimi, Yoichi Ochiai
名称 : デジタルネイチャー研究室
代表者 : 准教授 落合 陽一
所在地 : 茨城県つくば市春日1-2
研究内容 : 波動工学、デジタルファブリケーション、人工知能技術を用いた空間研究開発
URL : https://digitalnature.slis.tsukuba.ac.jp/
落合陽一 Yoichi Ochiai
1987生,2015年東京大学学際情報学府博士課程修了(学際情報学府初の短縮終了),博士(学際情報学).日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1,米国Microsoft ResearchでのResearch Internなどを経て,2015年より筑波大学図書館情報メディア系助教 デジタルネイチャー研究室主宰.2015年,Pixie Dust Technologies.incを起業しCEOとして勤務.2017年から2019年まで筑波大学学長補佐,2017年から大阪芸術大学客員教授,2020年デジタルハリウッド大学特任教授,金沢美術工芸大学客員教授,2021年4月から京都市立芸術大学客員教授を兼務.2017年12月より,ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ株式会社による筑波大学デジタルネイチャー推進戦略研究基盤代表及び准教授を兼務.2020年6月デジタルネイチャー開発研究センター・センター長就任.専門はCG,HCI,VR,視・聴・触覚提示法,デジタルファブリケーション,自動運転や身体制御.
名称 : 筑波大学デジタルネイチャー研究室
Email : contact<-at->digitalnature.slis.tsukuba.ac.jp
DNG in SIGGRAPH Asia / 東京で開催されるSIGGRAPH Asia 2024 にて発表とトークセッションを行います
24. 11. 12
DNG in ASSETS / カナダ セントジョーンズで開催されるASSETS ’24にて発表を行います
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24. 10. 01
【DNG in SCIENCE AGORA 2024】サイエンスアゴラ2024に出展します。
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【DNG in VC2024】Visual Computing 2024 にて研究発表を行います。
24. 08. 30