Novel structure using quasirigid folding of voxel in Ron Resch pattern

2018. 11. 22

Novel structure using quasi-rigid folding of voxel in Ron Resch pattern

We propose a novel deformation structure that expands along the x-, y-, and z-axes simultaneously using a Ron Resch pattern. The Ron Resch pattern, devised by Ron Resch, is a folding pattern that uses a combination of triangle pattern that simultaneously expands along the x-, y-, and z-axes. This pattern shows particularly high expansion coefficient along the z-axis [R.Resch and H.Christiansen. 1970; R.Resch 1974]. Unlike the combination of triangle pattern used in conventional Ron Resch patterns for sunshade architecture [Marco Pesentia 2014], we show a novel Ron Resch pattern which consists of combination of Quadrangle Pattern in this study. In this structure, two Ron Resch patterns are piled up, and the side faces of the corresponding parts are connected by joints in which a quasi-rigid fold is formed. The quasi-rigid body has the advantage of being fixed in both the completely closed and opened states;

therefore, it is bistable. In the previous Ron Resch patterns [R.Resch and H.Christiansen. 1970; R.Resch 1974], the deformed structure could not be used easily in the real space because it is based on thin materials such as paper (Figure 2). However, because we used thick materials such as MDF in this structure, we propose a model to deform the structure by quasi-rigid folding. In the proposed model, we can collapse the structure so as to not occupy the physical space when not in use and expand it again with reasonable level of strength within a short period.

Moreover, because this structure is made up of voxels, it can be visualized directly by volume rendering, thus easily enabling various designs depending on the application or situation. In addition, this structure is an integrated design that can be produced using common fabrication tools (laser cutter, 3D printer, etc.), except for the screws used at nodal points. Generally, a long time is required to mold multiple parts independently. However, this design enables fabrication using a laser cutter, and thus, it can be processed quickly and inexpensively. Furthermore, because it can also be printed using a 3D printer, we believe that materials can be swapped depending on the application and that versatility will be enhanced.

Shingo Uzawa* ,Toshiharu Igarashi* ,Kazuki Takazawa ,Nozomi Magome ,Yoichi Ochiai


Shingo Uzawa, Toshiharu Igarashi, Kazuki Takazawa, Nozomi Magome, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2018. Novel structure using quasirigid folding of voxel in Ron Resch pattern. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters (SA ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 33, 2 pages. DOI: