Diminished Haptics

2014. 05. 26

Diminished Haptics: Toward Digital Transformation of Real World Textures

Abstract :
In this study, we develop and implement a method for transforming real-world textures. By applying a squeeze film effect to real-world textures, we make haptic textures reduced. This method could transform real-world textures, e.g., from paper-like to metal-like, from wood-like to paper-like, and so on. The textures provided by this system are inherently high resolution because real-world textures are used instead of synthesized data. We implemented a system using a 28-kHz transducer. Evaluations were conducted using a three-axis accelerometer.

Yoichi Ochiai*, Takayuki Hoshi**, Jun Rekimoto* ***, Masaya Takasaki****
*The University of Tokyo, **Nagoya Institute of Technology, ***Sony CSL **** Saitama University
All visual and video documents are available for the media and press
(under CC2.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0).
All images are taken by Yoichi Ochiai / University of Tokyo (落合陽一/東京大学)