Eye Tracking for Urologists

2024. 08. 15

The diagnostic accuracy of cystoscopy varies according to the knowledge and experience of the performing physician. In this study, we evaluated the difference in cystoscopic gaze location patterns between medical students and urologists and assessed the differences in their eye movements when simultaneously observing conventional cystoscopic images and images with lesions detected by artificial intelligence (AI).
This research was conducted in collaboration with Atsushi Ikeda, Lecturer, University of Tsukuba, School of Medicine and Medical Science. We collaborate in the measurement of gaze and the analysis of experimental data.

Authors: Kazuya Izumi, Kensuke Katori, Yoichi Ochiai (in Digital Nature Group)
Contact: izumin@digitalnature.slis.tsukuba.ac.jp

本研究は筑波大学医学医療系 池田篤史講師との共同研究です。デジタルネイチャー研究室では視線計測技術提供および実験データ分析を中心に協力しています。
