Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem

2023. 06. 07

The proliferation of smartphones has made it easy for anyone to take digital photographs, and the recent popularization of text-to-image models has made it easy for anyone to create images. As photography has been a hobby for over 80 years, the transition from film to digital cameras has led to significant changes in photography techniques. By combining digital technology with the tactile experience of handmade processes, we can rediscover the joy of creating with our own hands and the emotional connection that comes from physically interacting with our work. Previously, we proposed a new printing framework that integrated computer processing with full-color cyanotype printing. In this work, we demonstrate the expansion of the range of aesthetic expressions with computer processing for tone adjustment with several alternative processes such as salt print, platinum print, and cyanotype. And at the Hands-On Class, we provide an opportunity to experience our developed printing process with cyanotype, particularly suited for beginners. The use of new media developed after the digital age and the integration of computer processing in photo printing may be a way to create a new photographic life with the joy of materializing scenery.

Contributor: Chinatsu Ozawa, Kenta Yamamoto, Kazuya Izumi, Yoichi Ochiai

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Chinatsu Ozawa, Kenta Yamamoto, Kazuya Izumi, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2023. Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Labs (SIGGRAPH ’23 Labs), August 06–10, 2023, Los Angeles, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 2 Pages.

小澤知夏、山本健太,泉和哉、落合陽一. 「モノクロのオルタナティブプロセスのための計算機処理を統合させた 新しい印刷フレームワークの構築」 2023年画像関連学会連合会第9回合同秋季大会.