Syringe-worked Mermaid

2016. 10. 10

Abstract :
Underwater entertainment items have been used in many situations: aquariums, fountains, and water tanks displayed in public areas, for example. Control methods for the real-world objects used in such entertainment situations are got growing interests related to interactive technologies and digital fabrication technologies. In the context of display technologies, it is expected installations within water will continue to fascinate people in many situations such as window displays, shops, and museums. This research is motivated by the digital control of underwater objects in water tanks, i.e., real objects that are suspended and moved mid-water without actuators such as fins, motors, and water-jets. To study the controllability of underwater objects, we focused on a classic science experiment called the Cartesian diver. A Cartesian diver is often used to demonstrate Pascal’s law and Archimedes’ principle. The Cartesian diver is an object which has a cavity in its body that holds air and is immersed in a container of water. It is possible to change the buoyant force acting on the Cartesian diver by changing the water pressure in the container. The change in the water pressure within the bottle alters the volume of air in the cavity of Cartesian Diver. Thus, the Cartesian diver moves up or down in the bottle.

Amy Koike, Kazuki Takazawa, Satoshi Hashizume, Mose Sakashita, Yuki Kimura, Daitestu Sato, Keita Kanai, and Yoichi Ochiai
University of Tsukuba



All visual and video documents are available for the media and press
(under CC2.0
All images are taken by Amy Koike/ University of Tsukuba (小池栄美/筑波大学)

Amy Koike, Kazuki Takazawa, Satoshi Hashizume, Mose Sakashita, Daitetsu Sato, Yoichi Ochiai. (2018) Redesign of Cartesian Diver for Underwater Expression Combining Dynamic Fabrication with Non-contact Manipulation. In: Stephanidis C. (eds) HCI International 2018 – Posters’ Extended Abstracts. HCI 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 850. Springer, Cham

Amy Koike, Satoshi Hashizume, Mose Sakashita, Yuki Kimura, Daitetsu Sato, Keita Kanai, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2016. Syringe-worked mermaid: computational fabrication and stabilization method for cartesian diver. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Posters (SA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 35 , 2 pages. DOI: